Defining the question
- Research/Reading on ARP, Research Methodologies.
- Research/Reading on learning practical skills, tacit knowledge, learning styles, non-verbal/verbal, inclusive teaching/learning

Ethics Form
- Defining the project to be able to fill in Ethics form.
Designing the Activity
- Workshop Design: Stitch sample, Video, Illustrated Guide PDF.
- Workshop materials: Needles, Thicker thread, Fabric swatches, Snips/scissors, Pens, Envelopes, Paper Clips.
Performing the Activity and Survey
- Inform Line Manager, inform colleagues about project and seek support for access to their students.
- See Technical Workshop calendar to work out my classes and which other classes I have time to access.
- Collate Questionnaire/ Information Sheet packs.
- Observation/Reflection Notes about the Activity.

Analysis of Data
- Research/Reading on Data Analysis.
- Data Entry.
- Data Analysis.
- Reflection on results and exploring future possibilities.
- Slides/Visuals
- Script/Notes for presenting.