ARP Field Observations

Monday Oct 23, 2023– FPC 2B. Control session. Very good response rate from morning session. However, larger group meant harder to manage. Because the ARP was conducted at the end of a long workshop, participants were tired and chaotic. I asked participants to come up to the table and they stood around it as I demonstrated. Non-participants were still using the space, passing to leave, packing up around us. A large proportion of the group were Chinese and I let the group know that they were welcome to write comments in their own language as I could get their answers translated. Students were attentive. They knew me from the 2 workshops I had taught them so seemed comfortable asking questions and requesting individual help. I repeated parts of the demonstration for some of the students and assisted them through the steps as they practiced the skill. All the students were able to complete the skill.

FPC 2C. Control. Afternoon session had less take up. Again, quite a lot of background distraction, but students are motivated because of interest in learning the skill. Self-selecting, maybe more attentive as they have made an active choice to take part. Looking at my hands from upside down position. I had to guide a number of students quite extensively through their samples, but they were able to complete.

Thursday Oct 26, 2023– FDD 1A. Control. 7 students from my colleagues class room were encouraged by their teacher to take part in my workshop. I had time to set up so was not distracted. Students were very attentive. Not many distractions as my class area was open access, only a few students using the space. These students had finished their class a few minutes early.

FPC 2A. Video. Low take up. Colleagues class. Class very distracted as students were finishing up their jacket, which many had struggled with. I showed the video on the large teaching screens. Not sure students were concentrating. One left and came back after video was finished. Noisy and a lot of background moving around as students packing up and leaving. Students more attentive when I was physically demonstrating and asked for help when needed.

Note: I approached these workshops as I do my teaching. I am proactive in offering assistance when students look like they may need help. I will explain multiple times to students individually as well if necessary. Can this be reducing the measurable affects of the interventions?

Friday Oct 27, 2023– FDD 1E. Video. Showed video on tablet. I was supporting this class. Students looking up close at screen. Low take up as students were short on time as they had another class in an hour. 3 students responded. Good concentration even though felt a little rushed as they tried to complete the sample quickly. Questionnaire given to be returned next week. We’ll see!

FDD 1F. Video. Showed video on tablet. My class. First 3 finished class early and so had time to take part. Feeling quite relaxed and good concentration. Even though class going on in the background, not much distraction. Second 4 took part after class finished. End of day so quite a bit of background noise and slightly rushed at the end as feeling like they wanted to go home.

Monday Oct 30, 2023– FDD 1B. Video on big screen. Some interest (6-7 watching) but not all tried to complete the sample. A lot of distraction when viewing video as some students still catching up on class work. 3 took part. Lots of explanation and repetition with individual students. Holding down the fabric for students. Students concentrated even though quite a lot happening in the background.

FDD 1D. Video on big screen. Group mainly completed their workshop on time/early so not as stressed about leaving. Less background noise. Good concentration. Talked about how they would incorporate it into their work. “So useful”.

Note: As I repeat the demonstration, I am varying the way I explain the process, incorporating adjustments in response to my observations of areas that students are finding problematic. I am drawing attention to where to apply the tension on the thread. I am stressing the importance of holding on to the exit thread and how to vary the size of the loop to make it more manageable. Could the iterative development of my own skill as a teacher be affecting the responses?

Thursday Nov 2, 2023– WW 1A. Video on big screen. Dedicated class room so no background interruption. Class finished so calm and concentrating. Siaw lee teaching and she is very strict so class is used to discipline.

FDD 1C. Video on tablet/PDF. Dedicated class room with Dawit teaching. Not much uptake, as end of the day and students not finished their class work. One student finished early and I gave him a 1-2-1 tutorial. Looking closely at the screen as it is small. Very engaged.

Friday Nov 3, 2023– FDD 2E. PDF. Dedicated class room with Dawit teaching. Class finished on time so students not distracted by packing up quickly. Picked up skill quickly.

FDD 2F. PDF. Dedicated class room with Dawit teaching. Class finished on time. Large group but not all returned questionnaires. Students did not spend very long looking at the PDF. Quickly scanning the page but concentrating on my demonstration.

Monday Nov 6, 2023– FDD 2D. PDF. Dedicated class room with Banetta. Class was late finishing with students behind on the work. Positive attitude towards learning. Looking at closely at PDF. Average time 45 seconds. Concentrated on demonstration and looked closely. One student took a video of my demonstration and used it to refer back to when practicing her sample. However, she still needed my assistance and I offered help when I saw she was struggling.

Sportswear 2B. PDF. Demo at beginning of class. Dedicated class room with Karen. Students not from a hand sewing background but interested in learning. Small groups in succession. Some variation in length of time spent looking at PDF. Some needed a lot of help. I had to guide their hands. Some chat about how the stitch compared to other things in their lives: braiding hair, friendship bracelets, crochet.

Note: Length of time spent looking at PDF can give students their own agency over pacing. A few students used the PDF guide to refer back to while doing their sample. They asked less questions. Were these students’ independent characters used to considered observation because they don’t like to ask for help?

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